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Welcome toWomen of Color Unite!

Women of Color Unite (WOCU) is a social action organization focusing on fair access, fair treatment and fair pay for women of color in all aspects of the entertainment and media industries.

#Startwith8 Mentorship Program


WOCU Podcast

Non-profit Production


Become a Member

If you are a Woman of Color working in the entertainment industry, join our collective of over 6000 members! It’s free!

Request The JTC List

If you are hiring for positions in the entertainment industry and want to ensure Women of Color are considered in the hiring process, request our member list, The JTC List.

Projects Currently Raising Funds

We provide fiscal sponsorship to projects that meet our mission.

Read more about our fiscal sponsorship here.


In an industry that hides behind the myth of “meritocracy” but in reality functions on personal connections, the #Startwith8™ program connects entertainment professionals each with 8 Women and Non-Binary People of Color working in the industry. Together, they formulate a plan of action based on what each participant desires and what is achievable by the mentor to create tangible progress in the participant’s career.


Everyone can help strive towards equal inclusion, treatment and pay of Women of Color in the entertainment industry. 

These are some of our initiatives you can participate in.


We demand transparency and accountability in TV and feature film screenwriting competitions, labs, fellowships, and coverage services. The Sunshine Seal is awarded to services that meet our demands.


The WOCU Seal is a merit-based endorsement for productions, companies and industry leadership that hire at least 20% WOC as part of their verifiable workforce – above and below the line.


We have outlined issues in casting that contribute to harmful portrayals of Women of Color in media. We ask that casting directors to familiarize themselves with our suggested best practices and to sign the pledge.




When WOCU, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, serves as the production entity on a production, a large part of the production becomes tax deductible as long as you hire WOCU members. WOCU never owns the content. 

WOCU also produces its own content.


WOCU takes annual surveys with its members, over 6000 women and non-binary people of color working in the entertainment industry. We create specific, vital insight into this vulnerable and often invisible group of people and their career progress.


WOCU offers an array of Depth of Knowledge consultancy programs, working with experts in the field. We firmly believe that one size does not fit all, so we advise every company to start with an internal diversity audit as it allows us to pinpoint where the exact issues lie within your company and to create a custom action plan.